Prompt Engineering Course

Due to a high demand, we've partnered with Maven to deliver a live cohort-based course on Prompt Engineering for LLMs (opens in a new tab). It's designed to learn more about real-world use cases and applications of prompt engineering and LLMs.


We are now offering a special discount for our learners. Use promo code MAVENAI20 for a 20% discount.

Elvis Saravia (opens in a new tab), who has worked at companies like Meta AI and Elastic, and has years of experience in AI and LLMs, will be the instructor for this course.

This technical, hands-on course will cover advanced prompt engineering techniques/tools, use cases, exercises, and projects for effectively working and building with large language models (LLMs).

Topics we provide training on:

  • Taxonomy of Prompting Techniques
  • Tactics to Improve Reliability
  • Structuring LLM Outputs
  • Zero-shot Prompting
  • Few-shot In-Context Learning
  • Chain of Thought Prompting
  • Self-Reflection & Self-Consistency
  • ReAcT
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation
  • Fine-Tuning & RLHF
  • Function Calling
  • AI Safety & Moderation
  • LLM-Powered Agents
  • LLM Evaluation
  • Adversarial Prompting (Jailbreaking and Prompt Injections)
  • Judge LLMs
  • Common Real-World Use Cases of LLMs

Our past learners range from software engineers to AI researchers and practitioners in organizations like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Airbnb, LinkedIn, Amazon, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Asana, Intuit, Fidelity Investments, Coinbase, Guru, and many others.